Jacksons in Lenoir County, NC  

Southwest creek area
Timothy Goodman 6,962
Jacob JACKSON 1,974


1789 - JONES
John - 1 male between 21 and 60

1790 - DOBBS
Jacob (near Loftin Family) males under 16 - four, males over 16 - two, females - two
(next to Frederick Jones)
James - males under 16 - none; males over 16 - two; females - two
(close to Jacob)
Sarah - two males under 16; three females - Neck section

There was a Jesse in Pasquotant and Halifax Counties
Lots of Arendell's in Franklin Co

l790 - PITT
John - males under 16 - three; males over 16 - two; females one
Joseph - males under 16 - four; males over 16 - one; females - four

Catherine - males: 0-10 one, 10-16 two, 16-26 one: females: 10-16 one, over 45 one
John - males: 26-45 one: females 0-10 one, 16-26 one: slaves one
Sally - males: 0-10 one, 10-16 one, 16-26 one: females: 0-10 one, 16-26 one, 26-45 one

John - p 243
Joseph p 243
Reading - p 243

1800 - CRAVEN
Dianna - Ivey's District - males 0-10 one: females: 26-45 one
James - males: 0-10 two, over 45 one: females: 0-10 three, over 45 one

Jacob - next door to William Nunn - males: 26-45 one: females: 0-10 one, 10-16 one, 16-26
Jesse - males: 26-45 one: females: 0-10 one, 16-26 two; slaves one
Next door to Jacob - appears to be in Cont Neck section but that is not where William Nunn lived

Eleanor - males: 0-10 one: females: 0-10 one, 26-45 one
Two doors from Robert Argoe which would put her on the Briery

Isham - Males: 16-26 one: females 16-26 one: slaves two

John - close by Jesse - two doors from Richard Hill - males: 0-10 three, 16-26 one, 26-45 one: females: 0-10 two, 26-45 one: slaves three
Near Loftins

Walter - (near Richard Moore) - males: 10-16 one, 16-26 one, 26-45 one: females 16-26 one, over 45 one

Anne Connelly - no males one female 16-26, one 26-45, 2 slaves
Next door to Thomas Dawson Jr

1810 PITT
John - p 482
Joseph - p 482
Joseph Jr. - p 482
Shadrack - p 482

l820 - PITT
Joseph - p 30
Shadrack - p 34

John - males: 10-16 two, 16-18 two, over 45 one: females: 0-10 one, 10-16 one, 16-26 one, over 45 one
Walter - males: 0-10 two, 16-18 one, 26-45 one: Females: 10-16 one, 26-45 one
Jacob - males: 26-45 one: females: 10-16 one, 26-45 two
Isham - males: 26-45 one: females: 0-10 three, 26-45 one
Jesse - males: 0-10 one, 26-45 one: females: 0-10 two, 16-26 one, 26-45 one
Winston - males: 16-26 one: females: 16-26 one, 26-45 one, over 45 one
Lany - males: 0-10 one: females: 10-16 one, 26-45 one


Jesse, Jacob, John Jr. - all in a row

Jesse - Males: 10-15 one, 40-50 one: females: NONE
Jacob - males: 15-20 one, 50-60 one: females: 40-50 one
John Jr. - males: under 5 one, 15-20 one, 20-30 one: females: under 5 one, 20-30 one,
John Sr. - males: under 5 one, 20-30 one, 50-60 one: females: under 5 one, 15-20 one, 20-30 three, 50-60 one

Walter - 1 male 40-50 etc
Sarah - 1 female 50-60, one female 60-70 - next door to Walter


Jesse Sr. - one male 10-15, two males 20-30, one male 50-60 - no females - 9 ms 7 fs
Next to William P. Moseley & George Whitfield - near Phillips - would indicate NS of the river

Ryla - 1 male 30-40 - next to Richard Moore Sr.
This was probably Riley, probably son of John II.

Vincent - one male 40-50 etc - near Tulls
Walter - one male 5-10, 2 males 10-15, one male 20-30, one male 50-60; one female 0-5, one 5-10, one 30-40, one 40-50
Wife was Celia

John one male 30-40 etc
Where we know he lived

Nancy - can't tell from Russell's book what was in her family - 3 ms 8 fs - near LaGrange area


Jesse Heath 52, Fanny 46, Jesse J. 20, Julia 14, Betsy 12, Joseph R. 10, John A. V. 7
One door from John JACKSON

John - already put on database

Neck area - Carroll 26, Caroline 28, Mary E. 23, George 19, Sarah 17, Jesse 15, Shade 13, Major 10, Vincent 8, Walter 3 (possible children of Walter who lived close to Thomas Harvey in 1840
Next door to James Kilpatrick who had Rebecca JACKSON 11 in his HH

Jesse 33, Ann M. 8, Susan C 5

Dobbs - Samuell

Craven - Joseph, Joseph Sr., John Jr

Dobbs - Jacob, James


FROM         TO

BOOK 3 - 1755        
Simon Herring        Walter and others 84

BOOK 10 - April 1773 - May 1775
William Arendall          Jacob JACKSON 315

BOOK 12 - 1779 - 1784
Thomas Williams Jacob 399

BOOK 13 - April 1784-April 1789
John        James 112

BOOK 14 - April 1789 - April 1792
Jesse Cobb        Jacob 248
John Hartsfield        Jacob 483

BOOK 18 - 1798, 1799
Catherine & John        John Spikes 284
Catherine & John        Simon Spikes 286
NOTE: Could this be Speight as Victor Jones suggested?
Catherine & John        Benj Harrison 289
Catherine & John        John Becton 291
Elizabeth McFarson        James 402
John M. Shepperd        James 55

BOOK 19 - 1799 - 1801
James        John Isler 46
John M. Sheppard         James 55

BOOK 20 - 1802-03
William and Mary Easterling        John 116
Thomas Bond        Catherine 259
Loven Lake        Catherine 29
(these two entries indicate that possibly Catherine bought land NS of the river which could explain why some of this crowd moved NS of the river)

BOOK 22 - 1746 - 1810
Moses Grizzard        Jacob 145
Jacob Murphy Dixon 364

BOOK 23 - 1805 - 1810
Walter Jones        Sarah 94
John        Jesse 298
Jesse        Esham 290
William Lovick        John 396
John        Nancy Forehand 324
Jesse        Jacob 291
(these John's would be Jr.)

BOOK 24 - 1810 - 1819
Thomas Collier        John 66
William Easterling        John 70
John Harrell        John 207
William Jones        Walter 17
John        Jesse 106
John        Sarah 106
John        Jesse 207
John        William Arrendal 397
James        Harmon Cox 218

BOOK 25 - 1819 - 1822
Brittain King        Jesse 425
John        William Croom 201
Isham        Jesse 455

BOOK 26 - 1822 - 1828
James B. Bell        Jesse 337
James B. Bell        Jesse 376 & 377
Jesse        John 219
Eli Moore        Walter 446
John West        Walter 122
Jesse        Winston Andrews 25
Jacob        Daniel Simmons 96
Jacob        James Bell 49 & 50

BOOK 27 - 1828 - 1833
Lewis M. Loftin, Sheff        Durant 446
John Moore        Walter 53
Charles Westbrook        Jesse 283
Sheriff Walker        Jesse
James B. Bell        Jesse 376 & 377
Isham        Benjamin Hartsfield 289

BOOK 28 - 1833 - 1838
Sheriff Walker        Walter 250
Deborah        Mary S. 5
Isham        Jesse 93
Rydon Moore        Walter 258
Joseph Tilghman        Walter 463
Durant        Lewis M. Loftin 20
Walter        John Engram 463
Walter        Reubin Clark 464

BOOK 29 - 1839 - 1842
Alexander Aldridge        John 94
Isaac Anderson        Jesse 243
Blount Coleman and others        Jesse 316
Desmond and Vause        Jesse 396
Bryan Jones        Jesse and others 206
Jesse Sr.        Jesse, Jr. 309
Needham Moore        Jesse Sr 433
Asa Wooten & Thom Harrison         Wiley 36
& wife
Riley        Parrott D. Warters 183
John        John Patrick 324 & 327
Needham Moore        Jesse 428

BOOK 30 - 1842 - 1846
Reubin Clark        Jesse 8
Reubin Clark        Jesse 14
John Desmond        John JACKSON and S Hill 59
Thomas Hardee        Jesse
Thomas S. Hardee, Trustee        Jesse 340
Jesse        Shadrack Randal 450
Alexander Aldridge        John 94
P. Harde, Trustee        Jesse 404
Jesse        Lewis Whitfield 22 & 26
Jesse        Wilson Tilghman 169
John        Jas. R. Washington 370
Andrew        William C. Loftin 380
Andrew        W. C. Loftin & others 436
Jesse        Needham Moore 9

BOOK 3l - 1846 - 1849
Jesse         Lewis M. Loften 427
J. ?        Jesse 443
Shadrack Randel        Jesse 31
Parrott D. Waters        John 29
Robert H. Witherington        John 317
Walter        Joseph Tilghman 59
Carrol        Stephen White 214
J. S. W. Pearce        Jesse 175
Parrott D. Waters        J. JACKSON & R. Suggs 15
(Parrott was John 11's son in law)


#982 - 12 Feb 1790 - Jesse Cobb - 150 acres - SS Neuse, NS Southwest creek - adj lands patented by George Thomas and land now owned by Jacob JACKSON formerly by William Arrendale also Jacob JACKSONs Old Lines

#288 - 15 March 1778 - Jacob JACKSON - 50 acres in Dobbs - SS Neuse between the river and the line of the land he lives on patented by George Thomas and including the bont next avoce his house

#614 - 15 Feb 1779 - Jacob JACKSON - 30 acres Dobbs - adj John Hartsfield line and John Stronger McIlwean

#984 - 1 March 1790 - William Easterling - 80 acres Dobbs - including all the vacant land between the following lines viz George Thomas' patent now belonging to Jacob JACKSON, John Carruthers now his own Thomas, Box's patent now belonging to Jesse Cobb and himself

Surname Projects A-L
