1906 Industrial Issue - Insurance Companies  

Contributed by Martha Mewborn Marble


Financed by home capital and Managed by home Business Talent. Will assist in the Development of North Carolina. Strong Financial organization but high character choice asset.

The rapid development of the South during the last few years has been no less a surprise to the Southern people than to the other sections of our country. All over the South have sprung up, almost as if by magic, cotton factories, furniture factories, tobacco factories and other manufacturing enterprises. North Carolina to-day is not the North Carolina of ten years ago. For more than a quarter of a century its people failed to recognize their ability, then lying dormant, to do and to accomplish great things in the business world. But now they have come to themselves. The successful conduct of large manufacturing enterprises all through our borders managed by men born, raised and educated in the State has given confidence, and one no longer doubts the capacity of North Carolinians to successfully conduct an enterprise requiring the greatest skill and the highest attainments. It has long been apparent that we suffered great disadvantages from the fact that we have placed our insurance in other sections of the country. It is easily seen then why there has arisen a demand for Home Life Insurance Companies, which when wisely and safely managed will keep at home the large amount of money paid for insurance elsewhere, in addition to the security offered them as individuals, assisting in the development of our home resources.

These considerations have given birth to the organization of the North State Mutual Life Insurance Company, and the men who have joined hands in launching this company and in presenting its claims to the public for consideration and patronage are not without experience; on the contrary they know North Carolina, its people their resources and their necessities. Under their direction and guidance they have seen banks, cotton mills, lumber mills, tobacco factories and other enterprises succeed and become strong and influential factors in their city. Having carried other enterprises to success they have not doubted their ability to win for the North State Mutual Life Insurance Company a position among the strong financial institutions of the State, having an abiding confidence that a discriminating public will not with-hold patronage, if it shall show itself worthy and deserving.

The capital of the North State Mutual Life Insurance Company has all been paid in as required by law, and is sufficient to make it as safe as any company. It will be operated strictly on the legal reserve, or old line, principle; its policy forms and rates are fixed by Miles M. Dawson, one of the best actuaries in the United States, and at this time one of the most prominent on account of his services in connection with the New York Insurance investigations. Its policies will probably be registered and secured by the State of North Carolina, and if so the proper certificate will appear on each policy.

But the safest, strongest and best asset a life Insurance Company can have is good character. The character of any company is reflected by the men who control it. The North State Mutual takes pleasure and pride in presenting below the portraits of the men who control and manager it, and calling attention to their business characters. Every department is in charge of an experienced man in his own line.

President J. W. Grainger is well known throughout this section and throughout the State as an enterprising, successful and conservative business man. He is a director in the First National Bank of Newbern, of the Citizens Bank of Kinston, and of the Bank of Kinston, of which he is vice-president. He is president of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company, and carries on an extensive and varied private business, such as truck farming, dealing in fertilizers, and machinery. It was largely through his efforts and foresight that a tobacco market was established here, which has grown and developed to such large proportions.

Mr. Grainger is also a political leader of prominence, being now chairman of the Democratic congressional executive committee of this district and of the county executive committee and is also a member of the State Democratic executive committee. He is a man of great ability, and has the confidence of the people. With these two assets as leverage he has become a man of large means.

First Vice-President, J. A. McDaniel is one of Kinston’s younger business men, full of enterprise and public spirit, and of a high grade of business ability which has enabled him to become one of the leading men of this section. He is a director in the Kinston Cotton Mills, a member of the board of aldermen of the city, and has large real estate interests in this city and section. He presented to the city the Charity Annex of the Robert Bruce McDaniel Memorial Hospital, which was opened on June 27th. He is now a trustee of Rhodes Military Institute, and is interested in all that tends to the material or social betterment of the people.

At the last Democratic County Convention of Lenoir county, Mr. McDaniel was the unanimous choice of the body, and will occupy a seat in the next House of Representatives of the North Carolina State Legislature.

Second Vice-President Dr. H. D. Harper, Sr. is one of the leading dentists of the State, and is ex-president of the State Dental Association. He is a director in the Chesterfield Manufacturing Company, of Petersburg, Va., and also of the Orion Knitting Mills of Kinston. He is interested in every enterprise that looks toward the building up of his home community and section, and his endorsement of a plan carries with it the weight of authority.

Third Vice-President J. F. Taylor is easily one of the leading mill men of the State. He is president and treasurer of the Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., a director of the Citizens Bank, president of the Lenoir Oil and Ice Co., secretary and treasurer of the Orion Knitting Mills, treasurer of the Kinston Cotton Mills, of which he is general manger. It was largely through Mr. Taylor’s efforts that the cotton manufacturing industry of Kinston was initiated and developed to its present large proportions.

Mr. Taylor represents the highest type of “business men”, the men who have during the last decade wrought so much for the State.

General Manager and General Counsel N. J. Rouse is well known in business and financial circles as a resourceful leader and a successful worker in whatever field he puts forth his energies. He is one of the best equipped lawyers in the State and has a large number of important business connections. He is president of the Citizens Bank, of the Kinston Cotton Mills, and of the Rouse Banking Co., of LaGrange. He is also a director of the Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., of Petersburg, Va., and Underwriters Insurance Company of Greensboro.

He has an extensive law practice, his clientage embracing many of the weighty and important legal and business transactions of the East, and is the senior member of the law firm of Rouse & Land.

He is now serving his second term as mayor of the city, and during his administration has successfully handled for the city some large business interests in the way of the installation of its public improvements, which are owned by the city. He is a man of high character, and his name will add strength and carry assurance of success to the enterprise just launched.

Superintendent of Agencies Joseph J. Rogers is one of the best known and best informed practical insurance men in the State. For twenty years he has made a study of this subject in all its details. He has for the past four years been State agent of the Pacific Mutual, with headquarters at Kinston, and during this time he has placed over a million dollars for that company. This long and successful career in the insurance field has made him well qualified to fill the position to which he has been elected. Besides having personally placed more than two millions [sic] of business in North Carolina for leading foreign companies, he has had extensive experience in managing agents. He knows how to sympathize with the “Man behind the rate book”, in his trials as well as how to appreciate his every effort. He will bring to the company an agency force of the very highest order.

Secretary W. B. Brown is also an insurance man in which business he has been engaged for twelve years. For a number of years he was with the firm of L. Harvey & Son, in this city, and more recently connected himself with the State headquarters of the Pacific Mutual. He is a young man of much ability and good address, and will make an efficient secretary for the new company.

Mr. J. E. Hood is a well known druggist, having built up a large business in this city where he is recognized as a leader in the business world. He is a director in both of our city banks, of the Kinston Cotton Mills, of the Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., and of the Lenoir Oil and Ice Company.

Dr. James M. Parrott, the Medical Director of the company, is a well known physician of Kinston. He was educated at Wake Forest College. Dr. Parrott was a student of the Medical Department University of Maryland, and is a graduate of Tulane University; also studied medicine in London, 1897-98. He has taken a high stand in the medical profession, and is now a member of the Board of Medical Examiners of the State of North Carolina. He is a member of the North Carolina State Medical Society, and of the American Medical Association, and has served as fourth and third vice- presidents of the State Medical Society. He served as surgeon of the United States army in Cuba, during the Spanish-American war. Dr. Parrott is a trustee of Wake Forest College. He is a man of large means, being one of the largest land owners in Eastern North Carolina, and ranks foremost among Kinston’s business and professional men.

Dr. Henry Tull, the consulting medical examiner, is a physician who has attained eminence in the practice of medicine, and is enjoying a large and lucrative practice. After graduating with distinction at the Bingham High School, he entered Harvard Medical School, and continued his studies at the University of Pennsylvania, from which institution he graduated in 1876. He has during his entire practice been a member of the State Medical Society, and stands abreast with the leaders of his profession in the State. Besides his professional attainments, Dr. Tull has shown great public enterprise and large capabilities in business affairs. He stands at the front of all matters affecting the material welfare of the city and county. He is the owner of Hotel Tull, and was prominent in the organization of the Orion Knitting Mills, of which institution he is president. He is at present chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the county of Lenoir, which position he has filled for several terms, having at the recent County Democratic Convention been unanimously renominated to succeed himself, to which position he will be re-elected in November. Dr. Tull has also served the public as county physician and as city alderman, and enjoys to an unusual degree the confidence of the public, both as a physician and safe business man.

Mr. E. J. Becton, a member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee, is a practical insurance man of considerable experience, being a member of the firm of Fields & Becton, dealers in cotton, insurance, and fertilizers, in this city. He is one of Kinston’s most public spirited citizens, and he is generally recognized as among the strongest of the younger business men who have done so much in recent years to establish for Kinston the reputation of being one of the most prominent business centers of the State. He is a man of fine business judgement and of great energy, and any business enterprise is fortunate to have the benefit of his counsel and judgment.

Mr. H. E. Moseley, a member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee, is manager of the Moseley Hardware Co., in this city, and is recognized as a man of sound and conservative business views. He has grown up with the town and is one of our substantial citizens. He is a director of the Kinston Cotton Mills, the Citizens Bank, and the Chesterfield Manufacturing company. He is now serving his second term as a member of the Board of Aldermen, having been treasurer of the city during both terms.

Mr. F. C. Dunn, a member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee, is a young man who has come rapidly to the front in the financial and business affairs of this community. His name is closely identified with everything that makes for the industrial and commercial advancement of this city and section. He is secretary and a director of the Kinston Cotton Mills, and Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., of Petersburg, Va., secretary and treasurer of the Lenoir Oil and Ice Co., and a director of the Orion Knitting Mills.

Mr. R. C. Strong, chairman of the Finance Committee, is a man of high order of financial ability. He has for many years been engaged in the banking business, and is now cashier of the Bank of Kinston. The high standing of this bank in the financial world is in no small measure due to the ability and energy of Mr. Strong. He has also had considerable experience in insurance, having for a number of years represented insurance interests. Mr. Strong is also president of the Kinston Building and Loan Association.

Mr. David Oettinger is a member of the well-known and successful firm of Oettinger Bros., wholesale and retail dry good merchants of Kinston. He is a director of Citizens Bank, Kinston Cotton Mills, and of the Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., of Petersburg, Va. Mr. Oettinger is recognized as one of Kinston’s most enterprising and safe business men, and to him is due much credit for the city’s rapid development along industrial lines.

The North State Mutual Life Insurance Co., is now organizing its agency force, and it is the hope and expectation of the management to offer its policies to those desiring insurance, not later than August 1st.

Take a policy in the North State Mutual Life Insurance Co., your money will be safely invested and the premiums paid will be invested in North Carolina to aid in developing home enterprises.

1906 Industrial Issue
